I just love fresh asparagus. Especially when you can find the small skinny stalks that don’t need any prep except just a trim. The tender crunch when prepared just right is hard to beat.
Yet for years I struggled to get it just right. I would steam it and invariably in my fear that it wouldn’t be done enough overcooked it and it came out soft and mushy. I would saute and once again I always tended to overcook it and it was soft and mushy.
Then one day I decided to try it on the grill. Once again I overcooked it but this time around instead of being mushy it was overly crusty and charred and the delicate tips were shriveled up to nothing. But at least it wasn’t mushy. I decided I was on the right track, I just needed to keep working on it till I got it right.
I spent the next year or so cooking my asparagus on the grill and sometimes it came out pretty good and other times it was over done and charred. It’s just really difficult to gauge the temp on the grill and depending on where you place it; over the coals or indirect heat, has a tremendous effect on how long you want to cook it and how it will turn out.
Then one day in the winter when it was too cold and snowy to grill, I decided to try it in the oven. Eureka! I think I just found the perfect way to cook asparagus. 425 degrees for 10 minutes. Perfect every time.
Every so often when we’re grilling and having fresh asparagus my husband will ask me if it’s ready for the grill and I always tell him no. I’m doing it in the oven.

- 1 lb Fresh Asparagus
- 1 1/2 tsp Olive Oil
- Salt and Pepper to taste
- Trim off the bottom couple of inches of the asparagus and spread it out on a sheet pan. Drizzle the olive oil over the asparagus and sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Toss to evenly distribute the oil and salt and pepper. Bake in a 425 degree oven for 10 minutes.
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